Making a personal website workshop

With Github, Hugo, and wowchemy

Table of Contents


Today we will use Hugo and wowchemy to make a personal website (hosted on github).

By the end of this workshop, you all should have a website but may need to spend more time customising it to your liking.

This will require some coding/usage of git. Here are some no coding/git alternatives:

One can now use netlify and Hugo’s “CMS” (whatever that stands for) to make a website without using git. However, I have not tried this yet, so I can’t help you with it. 😅

Setting up your website

0. Pre-requisites

1. Get git

First, check if running git status in your terminal gives an error. If it does, you’ll need to install git. Here are instructions to install git.

2. Setup ssh keys

Next, you’ll need to setup ssh keys so that you can push to github without having to enter your password every time.

Create an ssh key (I’d suggest not entering a passphrase)

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
cat ~/.ssh/

Copy the output of the above command and paste it into the ssh keys section of your github account (

3. Install hugo

You’ll need Hugo on your local machine.

  • macOS

    brew install hugo
  • Windows

    choco install hugo-extended
  • Linux

    sudo snap install hugo

1. Make a github account

Make sure to use a username that you are happy to have as part of your website url (e.g.

2. Download a template website

There are lots of template websites to choose from. Here are some that I like:

3. Setup website repo

Make a repo called (e.g. and clone it to your computer (e.g. git clone

4. Copy the template contents

Copy the hugo template into your repo. Remember to also copy the .gitignore file and .github dir. Do not copy the .git dir.

cp -r starter-academic/*
cp -r starter-academic/.gitignore
cp -r starter-academic/.github

5. View your website locally

Run the following, and you should see your website at http://localhost:1313 (or whatever port it says).

hugo server

If you get an error here, there must have been a problem with installing Hugo. 😢

6. Personalise!

Time to make your website your own! For now, lets just change the title of your website (we’ll do more edits later).

Change the default name in the following two files


Saving the files should automatically update http://localhost:1313.

7. Add the github-workflow to build the pages

We’d like github to automatically build and deploy our website whenever we push changes to the main branch. To do this, we need to add a github workflow. Here is a workflow that you can use:

Place this file in the .github/workflows/deploy-pages.yml.

8. Push your changes to github

Time to commit and push your changes to github.

git add -A
git commit -m "init website"
git push origin main

Go to your repo on github and check that the files have been pushed. You should see a new gh_pages branch.

9. Enable github pages

You will also need to enable github pages. This is an optional setting in github repos telling github that you may want to host a website from this repo.

  1. Go to
  2. Select gh_pages as the source branch

Your website should now be live at!

🎉 🎉 🎉


Here is a small bash script that you may find helpful. Find-replace your_username with your github username and run the following commands in your terminal:

git clone
git clone
cp -r starter-hugo-academic/*
cp -r starter-hugo-academic/.github
cp -r starter-hugo-academic/.gitignore
rm -rf starter-hugo-academic
wget -O .github/workflows/deploy-pages.yml
git add -A
git commit -m 'init website'
git push
Remember to ‘activate’ github pages in your repo settings (see step 9 above).

Personalising your website

Wowchemy guide:

Open up the project in your favourite text editor (vim, pycharm, Rstudio, etc.)

Your directory structure should look something like this:

├── academic.Rproj
├── assets
│   └── jsconfig.json
├── config
│   └── _default
│       ├── config.yaml
│       ├── languages.yaml
│       ├── menus.yaml
│       └── params.yaml
├── content
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── admin
│   │   └──
│   ├── authors
│   │   ├── admin
│   │   │   ├── avatar.png
│   │   │   └──
│   │   └──
  • content/ is the homepage (and where we will be making most of our edits today)
  • content/authors/admin/ is where your personal profile page lives
  • config/_default/config.yaml is where you can change the title of your website, etc.

Basic edits

Try to make the following edits to your website:

  • Change the title of your website (content/authors/admin/
  • Change the avatar picture (content/authors/admin/avatar.png, or use gravatar, config/_default/params.yaml )
  • Change your website icon (assets/media/icon.png)
  • Change the menu items (config/_default/menus.yaml)
  • Add a link to your CV (static/uploads/cv.pdf)
  • Edit your homepage (content/

Remember to keep checking http://localhost:1313 to see your changes, and commiting your work!

Generating a publication list with a bib file

Given a bib file with your publications (e.g. publications.bib), you can autogenerate the publication list on your website using the academic python package:

pip3 install -U academic
academic import --bibtex <path/to/publications.bib>

This will create a publication folder with a markdown file for each publication. You can then edit these files to add a summary, etc. See here for more details.

Adding blog post entries

hugo new --kind post post/my-first-post

In place of post, you can also use project, or event. See here for more details.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

My research uses Bayesian inference to study gravitational waves from merging black holes.