Installing LalSuite from Source


Step 0: Requirements

Module loads/things you might need:

module load git/2.18.0
module load git-lfs/2.4.0
module load anaconda3/5.1.0
module load gcc/6.4.0
module load openmpi/3.0.0
module load fftw/3.3.7
module load swig/3.0.12-python-3.6.4
module load framel/8.30
module load metaio/8.4.0
module load gsl/2.4

Step 1: Install lal

git clone
mkdir lal_install_dir
cd lalsuite/lal
./00boot && ./configure --prefix=/<path to>/lal_install_dir/ && make && make install
. <path to>/lal_install_dir/etc/

Step 2: Install lalsimulation

cd ../lalsimulation
./00boot && ./configure --prefix=/<path to>/lal_install_dir/ && make && make install
<path to>/lal_install_dir/etc/

At this point, the installation should(?) work. Test it out in python:

cd ~
>>> import lalsimulation

Step 3: Get waveform data

cd ~/ & mkdir waveform_data
echo "export LAL_DATA_PATH=/<path_to_wave_data_dir>" >> .bash_profile

Copy the waveform data files and place them into this the waveform_data/ dir

Where do we get the waveform datafiles from again?

Test installation steps with the following script

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

My research uses Bayesian inference to study gravitational waves from merging black holes.